A Simple Christian Life!
Victorious Christian Living Made Simple

"What is a simple Christian life?" Minimalist living? Having less stuff? Getting back to basics?

Let me explain what it's not first. Then I will share with you what simple Christian living is and how it can benefits you.

I'm a simple Christian loving the simple things in life; the glorious colours of a sunset, the sound of a busy street or just the joy of living.I Love The Simple Things In Life

What It's Not!

Many thought that simple Christian living is residing far away from civilisation where there's no electricity, television, and other life's pleasure. They think it is impossible to live simply in the midst of an affluent society where material wealth and status is highly esteemed.

It's true that to live life simply for anyone is not an easy task but definitely it's doable.

It is not a life where we go all out to deny ourselves of things per say but rather living a life focusing on what is truly important and not be distracted or tempted by things that are temporal and of no eternal value.

"It is letting go of everything that hinder our walk with God and opening our arms to embrace God; freeing ourselves to live a life of total commitment and obedience to Him."

A Simple Christian Life! What Is Simple Living?

A simple Christian life is letting go of everything that hinder our walk with God and opening our arms to embrace God; freeing ourselves to live a life of total commitment and obedience to God.

Without being encumbered by material things and entrapped with the expectations of family, friends, and society, we will find it easier to give ourselves totally to our God and doing His will. 

A simple Christian life is a surrendered life - a 'normal' Christian life where temporal pleasures of life have no power and hold over us but rather Christ is all in all.

It is a life of service to God empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Personally, as a simple Christian, I desire to live a life that is pleasing to God; being in fellowship with Him all the time and living out His purpose for my life.

I desire to glorify Jesus in the world; turning all eyes to look at Him so that those who are searching will be able to hear the message of salvation loud and clear.

All About Jesus

On this website, I love to talk about Jesus and His love for me and you. It is Jesus'  love for us and His sacrifice on the cross that enable us to live life fully. 

So naturally, He is the central figure in my life and of course, on this a simple Christian website too.

Now none but Christ can satisfy,
None other name for me!
There’s love, and life, and lasting joy,
Lord Jesus, found in Thee.

- Refrain from the hymn 'None But Christ'

Would You Like To Join Me?

What about you? Which would you choose?

  • A simple Christian living life God's way in the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God
  • A lukewarm Christian living an ineffective self-centred life seeking the world's pleasures.

I believe that if you have read till here, you must have been searching to live life differently? Is it that you too, like me, have a deep hunger and yearning for a simple life that's without pretence and uncomplicated but exciting, rewarding and impacting others?

Jesus said that He comes that we might have life and have it more abundantly. 

It's not a life we have to strive to live depending and relying on our own efforts and intelligence.

Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) 

It's a life in Jesus; abiding in Jesus, believing and trusting in His love for us.

Let us allow Jesus to live out His life in and through us.

Let's begin to let go of things that are hindering us from opening wide our arms to embrace Him wholeheartedly. Let us learn to live each moment in His Presence; giving ourselves totally to Him and the works He meant for us to do each and every remaining day of our lives thus impacting others and making a positive difference wherever we are.

Let's not allow the devil to steal, kill or destroy the wonderful life we can have in Christ.

None but Christ can satisfy.

Be a simple Christian! Embrace simplicity! Live for Christ alone!

The Main Objective For
A Simple Christian  Website

To help us stay on course, I have created this website to share the various aspects of the Christian life and most of all, how we can live the uniquely glorious life that God ordained for each of us.

A page in my faith journal: recording my spiritual walk with God.Faith Journaling

Just like the journals I kept, this is also a digital holdall of my thoughts, my reflections and my spiritual walk with God.

Find out more about Faith Journaling.

This is a Christian website and if you are not a Christian, I hope you will also find something here that might help you in whatever life situation you are in now.

I pray that you will make a decision to commit your life to Christ, and let His Spirit empowered you to live a victorious life in Christ.

Do join me, a simple Christian, to walk the walk of faith and trust; looking not at the troubled water around us, or tempted by the many shiny promises of the evil one but steadily fixing our eyes on Jesus.

Let's uncluttered our lives and live to the maximum; free from the things that hinder us from following Christ wholeheartedly.

May God's manifold blessings be upon you and may He gives you the courage to step out in faith and live an unencumbered life according to God's will for us.

Be a simple Christian! Live a simple Christian life! Let go of all things that are temporal and embrace the eternal God!

Join me to live a simple life and glorify God while we sojourn here on earth.

In Christ!

Flora Grace

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