Card making is a good Christian craft for Christian women and even men to connect with others and at the same time, touch lives for Jesus.
It has been gaining importance in the craft world. Everybody loves receiving greeting cards in their mailbox.
A greeting card, whether it's a Happy Birthday card, a Wish You Get Well Soon card or a Thinking of You card, is always received with much gratitude and joy. The fact that someone whether friend or family, remembers and loves you enough to pick up a card and post it to you is enough to gladdens ones heart.
So what about a handmade card? I believe it's just priceless. A card that you created yourself, even if you color out of the line and the cutting is a bit crooked, is so special to the recipient. It's like sending a part of yourself and saying, "I care enough to make this card for you."
Touch someone today! Make and send a handmade card to bring heartfelt greetings. Add a simple handwritten note of encouragement with a Bible verse and make it even more personal.
Out of the many wonderful Christian crafts, I find card making the most satisfying. It's isn't an expensive craft unless you lost sight of the main objective for cardmaking. That's what most card crafters tend to do though - losing focus and end up with lots of unused card making supplies. So beware that you don't fall into the same trap.
Check out my Making Greeting Cards website for more card ideas
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Why do you want to start this hobby? What is your main objective? Besides this primary reason, what other reasons you feel you should start making your own greeting cards? Here are a few of them.
This can be a two-pronged Christian ministry; to bring encouragement to believers and to share the gospel with others who has yet to be introduced to the love of God.
You can make your own greeting cards and start sending each card you made out to encourage other Christians. A beautiful crafted card with a Christian message can be a great encouragement to someone who's down or grieving. Add an encouraging Bible verse or two and your handwritten offer of support and prayer can be an effective way to reach out to a brother or sister in Christ.
Likewise, a handmade card with a handwritten testimony of God's goodness can be used by the Holy Spirit to introduce someone to Christ and His saving power. You can also insert a relevant printed tract with a Christian story inside your handmade card.
Card making as a Christian craft can be enjoyed with family members as well as friends and church members. Arrange special card making sessions with any group of people and have a fun and creative time unwinding and at the same time having great fellowship.
It is advisable not to have too many people in one session unless you are conducting it in a spacious space and have other experienced cardmakers to help out.
Four to six people should be just nice. Set a time for this craft session and send out homemade invitations to each person stating the time and day and what items to bring.
On the day, prepare some light refreshments. If you want to include a meal together, you might like to ask each one to bring a dish.
Choose an appropriate place to make the cards; the dining table is the best place. Prepare the supplies you want to share with the others. You might also need to prepare to coach those who are new to this craft. A simple card design or two should be enough for someone who's new to card making.
To make cards to sell is a possibility for many women. It's something that's on the mind of most crafters who find that their cards are greatly admired by others. So for you, when you find that you have mastered the art of card making, you might want to think about selling your cards either to have cash to buy more tools and supplies or to supplement your household income.
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